First Questions


Question 1

From Cllr Jack Davies to the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness, Cllr Steve Davies

The Liberal Democrat manifesto commitment to allow local authorities to opt out of right to buy was a popular policy with local people.  Will the Portfolio Holder write to the new Secretary of State and ask for right to buy to be stopped in the New Forest?


Question 2


From Cllr Malcolm Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing, Cllr Dan Poole


Dibden Golf Club is celebrating its 50 year anniversary this year.  Why is New Forest District Council not celebrating the opening of this facility, which it provided nor working with the club and members to help them celebrate this event?


Question 3


From Cllr Mark Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate, Cllr Jeremy Heron


With the new Government firmly in place, can the Portfolio Holder indicate whether work has been undertaken by officers to provide enough material to maximise the local government settlement with this authority given the manifesto commitments?


Question 4


From Cllr Alex Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


Is it not unreasonable for Parish and Town Councils to suddenly have to find an extra approx. £30k for tree works provision, because NFDC deems it reasonable to raise its tree contracting prices significantly, especially following councils setting their budget for FY24/25 in January at the explicit request of NFDC?


Second Questions


Question 5


From Cllr Alex Wade to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Cleary


As NFDC celebrates its 50th year, and we are off the back of a General election where there seemed to be a lot of apathy and frustration, what efforts are being made to engage New Forest’s Residents, to learn about what NFDC Does and become involved in the democratic process?  And do you agree, that despite it not being unique to the New Forest, the voter turnout for local elections suggests there is more we can do?